/proc/net permissions

From: Konstandinos A. Saipas (saipman@eexi.gr)
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 14:13:56 EST

Dear linux-kernel developers,

I came across the problem when I tried to use identd, and I got the
following error:
Apr 3 20:06:23 saip identd[5452]: connect from
Apr 3 20:06:23 saip identd[5452]: started
Apr 3 20:06:23 saip identd[5452]: fopen("/proc/net/tcp", "r"): Permission denied
Apr 3 20:06:23 saip identd[5452]: terminating
Apr 3 20:06:23 saip inetd[4708]: pid 5452: exit status 1

By examining the permissions of /proc/net/tcp I noticed that the /proc/net
directory has the following permissions:

[root@saip /root]# ls -la /proc/net/
total 0
   0 dr-xr-x--- 3 root root 0 Apr 3 20:09 ./

That's the reason that identd, which runs as uid/gid nobody, could not
access the tcp file.

By changing the permissions of /proc/net manually to 555(maybe not the
best idea I could have) everything worked for a while, but after some
time, the permissions changed to the original state of 550.

The kernel is 2.2.14 with raid, encryption, and secure patches applied.

What's going wrong? Any ideas? Any way to fix it?



Konstandinos A. Saipas
saipman@eexi.gr, k.saipas@wmin.ac.uk
MSc Computer Networks & Communications @ University of Westminster

BOFH Excuse of the day: The air conditioning water supply pipe ruptured over the machine room

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