Re: sound problems persist in 2.3.99pre3

From: Helge Hafting (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 03:36:17 EST

>But even if everything is modular, the pas16 initialization still has to
>be done ahead of the opl3.

Yes, but that is handled in /etc/modules.conf, with the following:

pre-install opl3 modprobe pas2

Now any attempt to use opl3 (modprobe opl3, or opening the device
and have the kernel auto-load it) will ensure pas2 is loaded first.
No problem if pas2 is loaded already.

I don't know, but if opl3 *requires* pas2 at all time in this case, also
pre-remove pas2 rmmod opl3

Even this could be automated by having opl3 depend on pas2,
but that would bloat the config system as not all opl3 users are pas16

Helge Hafting

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