2.3.99-pre2 pcmcia/3c589 bugreport [and usb success]

From: G. Saraber (gsaraber@rarcoa.com)
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 13:53:43 EST

heres a bit of a bugreport, I'm using a Hitachi visionbook plus 5000,
with a 3com 3c589 pcmcia network card (normally compiled in - not as a
It works fine (great even) with 2.3.99pre1, but 2.3.99pre2 (with the
shm.c compile fix) doesn't work anymore:
on startup it tries to load the 3c589_cs module , but it fails with the
errormessage 3c589_cs: RequestIRQ: Resource in use.
so no bit deal i figured i'll recompile with 3c589_cs as a module
there's no change..
after startup the 3c589_cs module is loaded, but ifconfig eth0 tells me "No such device"
so I rmmod 3c589_cs
and modprobe 3c589_cs (no error message)
ifconfig still doesnt work

so I rmmod 3c589_cs again
remove the card from the slot (beep)
put it back in (beep)
then the errormessage: 3c589_cs: RequestIRQ: Resource in use. shows up

so is there anything i should try/upgrade ?
please cc me as Im not currently subscribed to the list.

also on a side note :-)
I bought a no-name (phoebe micro or something) USB webcam on sunday
figuring i may have to develop drivers etc. for it, so I plugged it in
loaded the USB modules (i compiled them cause i was planning to play
with it when i got a usb device) and presto, it detected the device.
All i needed to do was recompile with the Linux video support and voila,
the webcam/framegrab software etc. works great.
excellent job on the USB and webcam drivers. (this is all on the above
mentioned laptop)
I'll be trying it on my Abit BP6 tonight.

Gerard Saraber

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