Re: Some questions about linux kernel.

From: James Sutherland (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 06:55:02 EST

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 22:07:48 -0600, you wrote:

>On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, David Whysong wrote:
>>On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
>>>The only solution to an out-of-memory condition is to never run
>>>out of memory.
>>>The place where all of the system information is known is in "user
>>>space". The kernel readily "knows" stuff about the current process, but
>>>retrieving information about other tasks in a page-fault handler would
>>>result in an extremely poor performing machine. A user-space daemon can
>>>acquire information about all the tasks, can detect runaway tasks, can
>>>safeguard special tasks like Web Servers that haven't gone crazy, and
>>>can watch for performance hurting rogue programs.
>>>Such a program, if properly designed, is the solution to such
>>>out-of-memory conditions.
>>No! Or perhaps it depends on what you want this user-space daemon to do.
>>Once you reach the OOM condition, this program can not reliably run. And I
>>doubt that a user-space daemon could prevent OOM from happening on a time
>>sharing system, since a malicious (or buggy) program could try to use all
>>memory during a single timeslice.
>>When OOM the kernel has to kill something. The trick is for the kernel to
>>kill tasks that are considered "less important". Don't kill init, X
>>server, syslogd, whatever. Some of this policy could be set by a userspace
>By the time the userspace daemon runs it is too late.

Not necessarily; it could certainly catch and handle SOME problems.
(Like an exploding Netscape; they tend to grow quite slowly.)

>The kernel must do the bookkeeping for the resource allocation. It must
>be able to decrement from the users quota what is being allocated by the
>various allocation methods - fork, exec, sbrk, stack page fault, COW.

Yes, it needs per-user resource quotas. We've been over this many
times before.

>The kernel can enforce the limit, but it cannot determine what the limit
>should be. This is the place for the userspace daemon.

If you set the quotas, then yes.

>On some systems, the quotas are staticly set by administration, and loaded
>into the kernel on login (or cron/batch). If the quotas to be set are
>not available (determined by the userspace daemon) then the user should
>not be logged in (or cron/batch job not started).

Which amounts to system downtime, for that user at least...

>It may be possible for the userspace daemon to be able to carry out
>adjustments - If the policy is that from 8-5 all logins/cron/batch may
>have the quota set by administration until N logins are active. No more
>may be allowed. If the policy between 5-8 (over night) is that only
>5 logins are allowed, then the quota set by administration might be
>expanded by some amount - this is a basis for batch schecdules at
>night where the batch queues are allowed a totaly independant quota
>limits from the users interactive limits.
>>This is completely independent of overcommit or rlimits (which can cause
>>the OOM behavior to happen more often, though in more predictable and
>>perhaps less drastic fashion).
>It is a way to prevent OOM from occuring at the system level.

Not a practical one for most systems, though.

>>I'm a scientific app programmer, not a system programmer... but I'll try
>>to code up a simple daemon in the next couple days that works in
>>conjunction with a modified version of Rik van Riel's patch.
>Watch out for the kernel level accounting that is needed.

It isn't going to happen any time soon.


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