Re: Open by inode (was Re: your mail)

Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 01:13:59 EST

   Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 16:27:14 +0100
   From: Jamie Lokier <>

   My patch is for ext2 only. It adds a new ext2 attribute meaning "this
   is an open-by-inode directory". So you create .inode in a filesystem,
   chattr it, and then .inode/<number> refers to a specific inode in that

Linus hates the ability to do this, despite the calls from some
application programs to be able to be able to do iopen(). I've
sometimes been tempted to do something like this, but I suspect Linus
and/or Al Viro would burn an image of me in effigy. :-)

Note that the ability to set the "open-by-inode" attribute had better be
allowed only by root, since being able to open by inode can completely
bypass filesystem hierarchy security. (Consider a publically readable
file located in a mode 700 directory. It wouldn't be accessible because
of the mode 700 directory, but someone who could open-by-inode would be
able to gain access to it.)

                                                - Ted

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