yodaiken@fsmlabs.com wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 12:09:53AM +0100, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> > So you can have a high priority thread that can process audio in real
> > time (for example), or a softmodem user space driver (other completely
> > random example). Note that RTLinux isn't really suitable for those --
> > RTLinux isolates the real time process too much. And super-hard isn't
> > required for those applications anyway.
> That's exactly why it gets very low latency without making Linux more
> complicated or slow. The vast majority of users either need hard realtime
> or don't and in both cases, the simplicity and high performance of
> Linux kernel is critical. If you want to sacrifice the core
> value of the kernel, you should need a compelling argument.
> BTW: there are RTLinux apps that process audio.
Aye, but softmodem drivers will be run on non-RTLinux systems. Because
it's simply for users who want to use their winmodems. And it would
like a bounded latency please during 99.9% of all seconds (hard RT not
strictly required). None of this "I started netscape and the latencies
suddenly jumped 100 times".
-- Jamie
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