Re: ver_linux script

From: Peter Chubb (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 17:01:41 EST

>>>>> "Brandon" == Brandon S Allbery KF8NH <> writes:

 In message <>, Ville Herva writes:
 | On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 10:09:25AM -0500, you [Tim Coleman] claimed:
 | > On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 06:35:18PM +0200, Ville Herva wrote:
 | > > Perhaps "uname -a" in linux_ver script should changed to
 | > > "cat /proc/version"?
 | >
 | > Or maybe uname should be changed to include the compiler?
 | Sounds good unless there are some kind of unix standard issues on what
 | uname should return.

Brandon> If there are, nobody follows them....

The Posix.1 spec is quite specific on what uname(2) must return:
sysname (name of the inmplementation of the OS, i.e., Linux), nodename
(same as hostname), release, version and machine-hardware-type.

The uname(1) command specifies -[amnsrv]
but I can see no reason why additional information can't be added.

For one thing, `version' of a release could contain the compiler ID
(POsix doesn't specify what goes into that string); or a new interface
(via sysconf maybe) could be added to get the information, and a new
option to uname to print it out.

Peter C

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