Re: [PATCH] towards a /proc-less user space

From: Erik Andersen (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 18:53:07 EST

On Wed Mar 08, 2000 at 11:30:24PM +0000, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
> > I don't know where you got your strace, but I suspect it is broken.
> > If it is indeed working, I would dearly love to see the interface
> > lsmod used to get the kernel module information.
> 'tis attached.
> I'm not disputing that it doesn't work for you, but it would
> make some sense to fix the existing interface if it's broken,
> rather than add new ones.
> Matthew.

> query_module(NULL, 0, NULL, 0) = 0

Ahha! So there is in fact already an interface! I just hadn't realized it was
hiding as a syscall (and linux/module.h header seems to neglect mentioning it).
Very cool. Wish I'd known about that before I wasted yesterday evening writing
devmodules. Oh well.

Ok, devmodules is now history. The rest of the patch
still stands (unless somebody can point out better way to
do the other stuff in there). Thx for your help,


Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
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