7137 is differential fast-wide. I would not connect it to any controller
other than a differential controller(not lvd), or it's likely to smoke
your scsi controller.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Pieckiel, Kevin A wrote:
> Surely someone out there has played with an IBM 7137 disk array. We have an
> IBM expansion rack 900 with two 7137 disk arrays installed. They were used
> at our district office and then given to us because they had no use for it.
> It used to be connected to an RS/6000 running AIX that we did NOT receive.
> :(
> Anyway, nobody here has ever played with one of these, and we want to
> connect it to our fileserver. It's a Pentium running Linux, kernel 2.2.14,
> and it has an Adaptec 29160 (this one has an external 68-pin LVD connector),
> and I was planning on putting in an Adaptec 2940UW in it to run the disk
> array since I don't see anywhere that the disk array is LVD (the 2940UW has
> an external 68-pin NON-LVD connector).
> Is anyone familiar with this hardware? Can this hardware be connected to
> our PC fileserver and be used for additional storage? Any input that can be
> given would be appreciated.
> -
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Joel Jaeggli joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Academic User Services consult@gladstone.uoregon.edu
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It is clear that the arm of criticism cannot replace the criticism of
arms. Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
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