Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:23:40 -0700
From: "Jeff V. Merkey" <>
I agree with this assessement, however, if the underlying IP stack
returns errant data, then it could cause the application to
malfunction, so I would not dismiss looking at what's going on in
the IP stack so quickly, particularly since there seem to be other
problems with NT servers related to this problem with ICMP
requests. At any rate, this is Caldera's problem, since LIZARD is
their installer. They have the trace and the info, and are looking
at it.
Look at the trace, they ping the router and then scan the entire
subnet looking for a DNS server response to "auto-detect" the
DNS server IP address so they don't have to ask the user for
such details.
I think the bug is pretty obvious, and fatal in your configuration.
David S. Miller
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