(I've been experiencing unkillable xmms processes that were stuck in run
state. Not killable with -KILL. This has happened at least with 2.2.12,
2.2.13pre17, 2.2.14pre1[345] and 2.2.14.)
On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 04:28:57AM +0100, [Mike Galbraith] said:
> (Please try IKD)
Okay. I finally had xmms to hang while running ikd! It only took a
root@babbage:/root>ps ef `pidof xmms`
3731 pts/3 RN 24:10 xmms HISTSIZE=1000 HOSTNAME=babbage.tky.hut.fi
3733 pts/3 ZN 0:01 [xmms <defunct>]
root@babbage:/root>kill -KILL 3731 3733
root@babbage:/root>kill -KILL 3731 3733
root@babbage:/root>kill -KILL 3731 3733
root@babbage:/root>kill -KILL 3731 3733
root@babbage:/root>kill -KILL 3731 3733
root@babbage:/root>ps ef `pidof xmms`
3731 pts/3 RN 24:10 xmms HISTSIZE=1000 HOSTNAME=babbage.tky.hut.fi
3733 pts/3 ZN 0:01 [xmms <defunct>]
Here are the ikd backtraces:
[1]kdb> btp 3731
EBP EIP Function(args)
0xc4879e9c 0xc0118cba schedule+0x1e6( )
0xc4879eb8 0xc01191f5 interruptible_sleep_on+0x5d( 0xc757eb58)
0xc4879ec8 0xc01a4755 unix_data_wait+0x2d( 0xc0ecfc80)
0xc4879f04 0xc01a4a87 unix_stream_recvmsg+0x17b( 0xc757eb3c, 0xc4879f70, 0x8, 0x0, 0xc4879f30)
0xc4879f44 0xc017c569 sock_recvmsg+0x35( 0xc757eb3c, 0xc4879f70, 0x8, 0x0)
0xc4879f8c 0xc017c66c sock_read+0x80( 0xc1443bc0, 0xbffff75c, 0x8, 0xc1443bd4)
0xc4879fbc 0xc012eb00 sys_read+0xd0( 0x13, 0xbffff75c, 0x8, 0x8, 0xbffff75c)
0xbffff72c 0xc010a810 system_call
[1]kdb> btp 3733
EBP EIP Function(args)
0xc6091f8c 0xc0118cba schedule+0x1e6( )
0xc6091fb0 0xc012023f do_exit+0x2cb( 0x0, 0x814e094, 0xc010a810, 0x0, 0xf)
0xc6091fbc 0xc0120254 sys_wait4( 0x0, 0xf, 0x40276a7c, 0x814e090, 0x814e0b0)
0x814e094 0xc010a810 system_call
[1]kdb> go
This is 2.2.14+IKDB and BP6 SMP 2x466Celeron.
If anybody needs more information please let me know asap - or at least
before I boot ;).
Just a very wild guess: could there be something fishy with the unix
domain sockets? Xmms and X seem to sometimes suck CPU time while they
shouldn't, and this has been reported to happen to many people on
linux-abit mailing list. Somebody there suspected it could have something
to do with unix domain sockets...
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