suggestion - "reboot=nopost"

Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 14:05:59 EST

==> Regarding suggestion - "reboot=nopost"; Mark Smith <> adds:

markrsmith> Hi All, I have a machine which, even though I have
markrsmith> "reboot=warm" set, takes at least 5 to 10 seconds to get
markrsmith> through the power on self test.

markrsmith> As I bounce back and forth between Linux and NT quite often,
markrsmith> and this delay is starting to become very annoying, I was
markrsmith> wondering if it would be possible to have linux avoid the power
markrsmith> on self test (it could be argued that a standard system reboot
markrsmith> is not a "power on" anyway ;-) ), and jump straight to booting
markrsmith> the master boot record on the first bootable disk.

            This is not so easy. LILO relies on certain BIOS routines to
            have their marbles, which isn't always the case once the OS has
            been started. Take, for example, the disk subsystem. If you
            have scsi disks, you will not be able to issue the INT 19h
            function call (bootstrap loader) b/c it relies on the SCSI bios
            to be in known state. This is not the only problem, I am
            sure. In general, it's a good idea to let the BIOS go through
            POST. Sorry, you'll have to be patient. ;-)

            You may want to check the list archives of this month for the
            thread on Linux/ix86 booting process for more information.

Warmest Regards,

Jeff Moyer
Misison Critical Linux

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