Re: What /proc should contain [was: /proc/driver/microcode]

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 07:20:26 EST

> Nope, the state of the art back then was to poke around in /dev/kmem,
> guided by a possibly obsolete symbol table, and blissfully ignorant of
> any locking or such.

That was originally considered to be the right solution. In the earlier
days of Unix keeping something like proc out of kernel space was the
right choice (remember V7 was 28K, System III about 60K).

> Whenever any of the kernel-internal tables changed, ps and friends
> died a horrible death or started generating strangely incorrect
> information, and there was a week of confusion in linux-kernel.

[linux-activists], but yes I still remember the ps and the 'library of the
week' stuff

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