Re: 2.2.15pre6: gfp called by non-running (1) task from c011d531!

From: Tomasz Motylewski (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 03:21:15 EST

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Tomasz Motylewski wrote:

> 2.2.15pre6-gcc2.95.2 spits some errors, 2.2.15pre5-gcc2.7.2.3 runs OK, but
> I am reporting this just in case. I am going to test 2.2.15pre6-gcc2.7.2.3
> tommorow. Hardware and config info in:

I have just tested 2.2.15pre6-gcc2.7.2.3 and unfortunately it displays these
warnings as well.

Feb 10 09:05:32 crds kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from
Feb 10 09:05:32 crds last message repeated 23 times
Feb 10 09:11:49 crds kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from
Feb 10 09:11:49 crds kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from
Feb 10 09:11:49 crds kernel: gfp called by non-running (1) task from

But this time the addresses above are not in

Best regards,

Tomasz Motylewski

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