Re: RFC: capability to limit/allow access to various system info

From: Sean Hunter (
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 08:27:19 EST

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 01:23:41PM +0100, Marek Habersack wrote:
> capabilities. My particular case was that I'm developing a WWW-based system
> for the users that have no shell access to the server and therefore cannot
> check what is their quota, disk usage etc. Now, to check that info the quota
> utility has to be ran either as root or as the user being checked. In my
> case, the process to examine the quotas is a CGI script written (for
> example) in C and I WON'T allow CGI execution as UID0 and change of UID to
> the target user's is out of the question since the httpd runs as its own
> user permamently and has no way to change its personality.

Why don't you have your CGI talk to a daemon (it could change users
and/or drop unneeded caps if you like) that can read the quotas?

Or have the daemon fork a child as the user performing the request?

You don't need any new kernel support for this.


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