Grabbing physical memory ranges.

From: Mike A. Harris (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 08:35:59 EST

I have code for 2.2 that grabs a specific memory range of
physical memory based on the maximum amount of physical memory.

I'm wondering what would be the prescribed way of doing this
under 2.3.x? Is it possible to do this entirely in a separate
module or must it be done in setup.c?

I want to grab x megs of physical memory for my own private
permanent usage (by the kernel). I need to choose the EXACT
start and end ranges of this memory.

Lets say a machine has 128Mb of RAM, I want to be able to take
from say the 96Mb point to the 128Mb point and force the kernel
to only see 96Mb leaving the rest for my own purposes.

This is under 2.3.39 and later of course...

Also, what method would I use (in kernel) for accessing this
memory. I've got some examples for 2.2, etc.. but I want to know
if anything has changed for 2.3.x in this arena, and also if
there are multiple ways, what each method is, and what
advantages/disadvantages are.

Please feel free to point me to certain source files,
documentation files, man pages, URL's, books, etc..


Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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