Re: Recent change in tcp_output.c is surely wrong

From: Jesse Pollard (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 09:26:52 EST

Jamie Lokier <>
>GCC and probably most C compilers do that but it is not guaranteed by C
>in general. Maybe all known x86 compilers use sar. However, I am sure
>there have been C compilers that donn't use arithmetic shifts. If only
>I could remember which ones :-)

SGI for one
Sun E10K compilers for another
Cray SV1 for a third (I also tested a "unsigned short", which didn't work
        on the SV1 - sizeof(unsigned short) was 8 bytes and the assignment
        masked off the high order bits...)
Cray T3E for a fourth (although it did say an "unsigned short" was 8 bytes
        too, and did work - the actual storage for unsigned short was
        64 bits - the assignment did not mask off the high order bits...)
        The CPU for T3 is 450Mhz Alpha chips.

It does point out some of the data size portability problems though.

I did modify the program slightly:

#define INT_TYPE unsigned short
#define BITS (sizeof(INT_TYPE)*8-1)
int main()
   INT_TYPE xxx = 1;

   printf("%08x (%d)\n", xxx, xxx);
   xxx <<= BITS;
   printf("%08x (%d)\n", xxx, xxx);
   xxx >>= BITS;
   printf("%08x (%d)\n", xxx, xxx);
   return 0;

Just to see what the differences would be.

Intel Pentium (Linux 2.0.33)
        00000001 (1)
        00008000 (32768)
        00000001 (1)

SGI (Irix 6.5.3)
        00000001 (1)
        00008000 (32768)
        00000001 (1)
Sun E10K (Solaris 2.7)
        00000001 (1)
        00008000 (32768)
        00000001 (1)
Cray SV1
        bits=63 ---- (surprise...)
        00000001 (1)
        00000000 (0) ---- correct results given 63 bit shift
        00000000 (0) ---- of a 16 bit value

Cray T3E
        bits=31 ---- small surprise
        00000001 (1)
        80000000 (2147483648) ---- surprise - incorrect results given 63 bit
        00000001 (1) ---- shift of 16 bit value

Jesse I Pollard, II

Any opinions expressed are solely my own.

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