Re: [Semi-OT,important] ORBS globally blocks users of these lists

From: Khimenko Victor (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 13:44:42 EST

In <> Stephen Frost ( wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Blu3Viper wrote:

>> On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Stephen Frost wrote:
>> > I don't quite follow why people aren't bitching and screaming at
>> > for filtering people connecting to their ports. I know I'd be
>> > _extremely_ annoyed to discover my ISP was doing any kind of filtering...
>> To my knowledge, is filtering for -their own- servers. They
>> certainly are not filtering everything.

> Uhm, then why all the fuss about blind-filtering and being stuck in
> someone's IP addy space? If their own servers are filtering out traffic from
> ORBS, then block those servers.

You should know exact addresses which are blocked. It can not be done by bot
(bot can not distinguish blocked server and server with no SMTP server
installed yet). So it's done by humans and thus is vulnerable to unavoidable
pilot errors.

> People in their address space who run their own domains/servers/etc
> shouldn't be affected by that.

They are affected by pilot errors and by DNS's nature: it's not easy to
mark "netblock with few exceptions". So the only things possible is to
mark netblock and put exceptions in separate list. It's what being done.
Unfortunatelly only very few systems are using that separate list :-/

> If you use their servers for your service, then bitch at them. Otherwise,
> just run your own. :)

Noone is complaining about servers :-) Unfortunatelly when ORBS
blacklisted servers some "good" servers was (and is) blacklisted too.

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