Re: February 30th 2000

From: Russell King (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 17:12:52 EST

J. Scott Kasten writes:
> Actually, I beleive it releives the need for the 3000 year correction.
> The 400 year correction is still applied. That's why Feb has 29 days
> this year.

Isn't there a 66th June 2000 as well? Some people may think that's the
day the world is going to end... ;)

Seriously, can we please drop this pointless discussion. It seems to be
repeating itself over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Please, lets have no more duplicates, and let this thread die off (finally).
  |_____| ------------------------------------------------- ---+---+-
  | | Russell King --- ---
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