/dev/ttyS1 baud setting

From: Karel Kulhavy (clock@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz)
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 11:19:59 EST


I was trying to setup /dev/ttyS1 to 115200 baud.
I was using "setserial", kernel 2.2.12 and FIC VA503+ motherboard with
2x16550A integrated in 83877TF controller chip.

After the approppriate "setserial" command I did
cat /proc/tty/driver/serial
And I saw there is 115200 baud set on /dev/ttyS1

so I did
cat /dev/zero > /dev/ttyS1 and looked at my oscilloscope that was
connected to IrDA port connected to /dev/ttyS1

I saw 9600 baud.

So I used protmode assembler utility directly run from boot-floppy
and programmed the 16550A using info from TechHelp!. I used divisor of 1.

The 115200 was correctly seen on the oscilloscope in this case.

How should I tell the serial port in Linux that I really mean 115200?

Best regards,

Karel Kulhavy

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