[PATCH] replace SYSV shared memory with shm filesystem

From: Christoph Rohland (hans-christoph.rohland@sap.com)
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 07:17:04 EST

Hi folks,

This patch implements a minimal filesystem for shared memory. It
replaces/reuses the existing SYSV shm code so you now have to mount
the fs to be able to use SYSV SHM. But in turn we now have everything
in place to implement posix shm. This also obsoletes vm_private_data
in vm_area_struct.

Also it is now possible to do e.g. 'rm /dev/shm/*' instead of this
terrible 'ipcrm shm xx' :-)

You can mount the fs only once. This will probably break shm in
chrooted environments.

It is heavily tested from UP to 8way SMP with HIGHMEM. On the latter
the shm handling triggers some mm bugs under heavy swapping. But these
problems also exists in the stock 2.3.36 kernel (I cannot boot
2.3.3[78] on my 8way). I will report these problems later in a
separate mail.


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