Re: time_t size: The year 2038 bug?

From: Jesse Pollard (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 13:49:14 EST

>>Jesse Pollard a écrit :
>> Johan Kullstam" <>
>> >i'd also like to see C types with *specified* bit widths, e.g.,
>> >int16, int32, uint8 &c. then you could write more portable code when
>> >you really need a certain number of bits like for CRC algorithms.
>ever head of inttypes.h ???

yes. It cannot define anything greater than the already defined limits.
And even then it is limited to 64 bits on a 64 bit system (unless the
compiler is non-standard - ie "long long" type of thing).

I specified no limits on the definition of integer type ie.:

int ipv6addr :128; /* 128 bits, integer */

The operators would be the same, the number of bits in the integer object
is selectable at compile time. Using this definition allows

typedef int int64_t : 64;

as a standard definition. NOT

        typedef long long int64_t;

which is not ANSI. The syntax is the same as for a bit field, just not
limited to a maximum size of int (whether an int is 16, 32, or 64 bits is
up to the compiler).

Jesse I Pollard, II

Any opinions expressed are solely my own.

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