redirection of READ CAPACITY failed error.

Geis Jerry (
Mon, 23 Sep 96 08:00:00 EST

I am using slackware 2.0.18 based on a slackware 96 installation.
I have an EZ135 Syquest drive with AHA2940 controller.

If I "mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt > /dev/null 2> /dev/null" with my
removable 135meg cartridge REMOVED I see the following on
my console and I shouldn't see anything since I redirected the output.

sda READ CAPACITY failed
status=1 messages=0 host=0 drive=28
extended sense code=2

Usually I dont redirect my errors to /dev/null but my point is I should
not see the error messages on the console. Am I missing something
or is this an error.

the EZ135 works just fine when the disk is in!!! I am just wondering
about the error redirection mentined above.

jerry geis