Re: Adobe acrobat (was 2.0.21, Couldn't get a free page)

Derrik Pates (
Sun, 22 Sep 1996 08:04:18 -0600 (MDT)

On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Michael Nelson wrote:

> I just downloaded it (3.0beta version) from Adobe's Web site. It _says_ it is
> for Yggdrasil 1.2.13 kernel only, but it seems to work fine here with 2.0.21 and
> what was once a Redhat installation.

Same thing, running 2.0.18 and a hacked-up Slackware 3.0 install. Works
smooth and great. The folks at Adobe need to get out more often. <g>

Derrik Pates

"What'll you two lovable plush toys have?"
"How 'bout a root beer popsicle and an Orange Julius? What about you,
"Dishwater! And put it in a dirty glass!"
-Sam & Max
"Fair Wind to Java"