Re: rebooting

Andrew E. Mileski (
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 12:20:56 -0400 (EDT)

> Here's a problem that I have had ever since linux 1.1.59, when i started
> two years ago. When i issue a reboot commands (ie: shutdown -rt5 now)
> the mahcine unmounts the filesystems, and then says Done. it halts there
> and never reboots. It's kind of frusterating becuasei can't reboot my
> mqchine remotely, if i need to... It's a run of the mill Intel 486/100
> with 16 meg in it... it's got a WD 540, S3 video card, SB16, and Boca 28.8
> modem. I think that's it... any help is greatly appreciated.. I've asked
> around for a long time with no luck

It is very likely that your init package needs to be updated.
This is also recommended by linux/Documentation/Changes which
I am sure you've already read...

Andrew E. Mileski
Linux Plug-and-Play Kernel Project
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