Re: 3c509 not recognized during install

ATPlack (
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 10:03:44 -0500

The point is that the 3C509 card w/ PNP DOES NOT run in Linux with PNP
enabled. PNP requires special OS drivers which are not in Linux by default.

Therefore, you need to disable the PNP on the 3C509 card for this to work.

I know that someone is working on this in Alpha code right now. Where did
I put that URL....
From: WT00328
Subject: Re: 3c509 not recognized during install
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 1996 6:00PM

>We use Linux on a 486 with 3com 509 card.
>Detection wen't very well first time.
>I suggest that if anyonr has problems they disable Plug and Play
>using the dos program.
>Succesful settings for us are: irq 10,address 0x300.
>Hope this helps,

I tried using the 3com 509 PnP card in a Dell machine and it was on irc10
with base 0x300 and it dont work.
Anyone more with the same problem? I run the 3.0.3 cd of linux redhat dist.

// Micke

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