Re: AHA2940UW vs. MSDOS/VFAT file systems

Herbert Wengatz (
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 13:45:22 +0200

+> On Mon, 16 Sep 1996 Randy Gobbel wrote
+> >I've had similar problems with MSDOS and VFAT file systems in previous 2,0
+> >kernels, but a) things were just weirdly slow, the system eventually
+> >recovered, and b) I didn't know where to send kernel bug reports. Now I'm
+> >getting a hard failure, with kernel 2.0.19 or 2.0.20, with or without
+> >VFAT/MSDOS as modules:
+> We have found similar problems, in fact with the same error output, when
+> performing gzip -t file_of_500Mb, the HD was a 4Gb Quantum Atlas.
+> With Seagate Barracuda ST15150W the system does not hang so easily but
+> still fails under a more demanding program. The problems seem to disappear
+> when the clock speed is set to 6.8Mhz but not higher!
+> We have tested several kernels from 1.3.98 to 2.0.20, although the error
+> output changes, the problems persist.

Well, then it's perhaps a hardware problem ? - Especially, because you
wrote, that the problem gets better when you lower the speed on the SCSI-Bus...

First: Try making the cable shorter and the distances between the devices
longer! And use active bus-termination!

And, judging from the Error-Messages the kernel gives you (I just looked up the
posting 'bout this...), you really _have_ troubles with your cabling, not with Linux !

(1 try from your SCSI-Controler...)
SCSI host 0 abort (pid 22377) timed out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
and (2nd try):
SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 22377) timed out - trying harder
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0

and now:
SCSI host 0 reset (pid 22377) timed out again -
probably an unrecoverable SCSI bus or device hang.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^

So what does the last message tells you ?
You *HAVE* Problems on the SCSI-Bus. - Bad/old/too long/wrong terminated cable!

The Linux-driver for the Adaptec Controller already tells you, what
he tries... And he tries hard and harder. - Three times...
OK. Adaptec Controllers a "Primadonnas", but this is really a bad cable!

+> Antonio Munoz



Herbert Wengatz, 81375 Munich |Disclaim: This Mail is my own opinion,
Office |not that of my company. |