Re: [PATCH V6 4/6] scsi: ufs: qcom: Align unipro clk attributes configuration as per HPG

From: Bjorn Andersson
Date: Fri Sep 01 2023 - 11:44:12 EST

On Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 05:13:34PM +0530, Nitin Rawat wrote:
> Currently CORE_CLK_1US_CYCLES, PA_VS_CORE_CLK_40NS_CYCLES are configured
> in clk scaling post change ops.
> Move this to clk scaling pre change ops to align completely with hardware
> specification. This doesn't bring any functionality change.

How can applying the clock scaling configuration, and "aligning with
hardware specification" not "bring any functionality change"?

If the code is called in a way where there is no difference between pre
and post callbacks, then state that - but it begs the question, why do
we have this "flexible" (complex) callback scheme if it doesn't matter.
