Re: Richard Stallman: Why âGNUâS Not Linuxâ and Why We Should âSay LiGNUxâ / Stopping abusive behaviour.

From: Richard Dunn
Date: Tue Jan 07 2014 - 15:52:49 EST

In case you missed it, Phoronix covered your original email.

On 1/7/14, Liam Lindholm <liam.oskar.lindholm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mr. Karlsen,
> I find your response to my initial email quite interesting, but do not
> quite understand it. My mind is very sluggish here in Sweden where it
> is very, very cold. Sluggish like a cluster of 386s running Linux on a
> kitchen table in someone's backwoods shack.
> In case you didn't see it, here is the presentation Mr. Stallman gave
> about the Free Software Foundation's "Say LiGNUx" campaign:
> Mr. Stallman clearly needs a break from promoting an increasingly
> irrelevant software platform. In my first email, I suggested that we
> ban him from LKML or asking the Linux Foundation to issue a press
> release distancing themselves from RMS, GNU, and the Free
> Software Foundation.
> So far, to the best of my knowledge, none of those suggestions have
> been acted upon.
> If you do not mind, Mr. Karlsen, please elaborate. Do you agree with
> me that calling Linux as LiGNUx is destructive and is without gains?
> Or do you agree with Richard M. Stallman and think we should call
> Linux as LiGNUx? How do you think about this, Mr. Karlsen?
> Happy New Year.
> Liam Oskar Lindholm,
> Linux Kernel Hacker
> On 12/23/13, Ove Karlsen <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> In school, many national idols, art, and "national romantic" writings
>> are read. These are irrational variants of ancestor worship, that turns
>> ignorant people to brats. A flag nothing else than a totempole. A
>> monarchy nothing else than the development of old fertiliycults. Where
>> Brutus and Bimbo no doubt are central.
>> No doubt even Stallman was bothered by those in his youth. And maybe
>> that is what is bothering many. Why anyone should go to school, to be
>> harassed for many years, I do not understand. I am well into my thirties
>> and realizing how much of a pain school really was, although I was not
>> the one most bothered, and I have seen many processing that, on youtube,
>> and other places.
>> Behaviour on the internet is a problem, and it seems similar, and that
>> is really what reminded me of it.
>> Stallman however made his own idol instead. The "GNU" is a similar
>> thing, a phallic idol of himself, as all idols are. And everyone
>> complains about the pseudoreligious brats in linux-circles.
>> It is ofcourse not real religion, but idolatry, and with made up idols.
>> And that it is idolatry, is a important distinction to make.
>> This is really at the base of facism, and seen for instance, when people
>> censor criticism like this, in favour of some idol. Be that Stallmans
>> Gnu, or gayactivism, 1950s gear worshippers, or people who think
>> 1024x768 is the ultimate resolution. Or many odd things. Which is common
>> online.
>> Hippies also really are idolaters, sunworship, really the same as
>> swastika-worship. This scene from "Tommy" says a lot about what an
>> idolater is:
>> Everyone is born with a monotheist nature though.
>> On LKML, I have also seen arguments that resemble monotheism. For
>> instance lately, Linus said he didnÂt want a corporate mindset. He has
>> also talked about natural developments, and also Gabriel Newell, inspite
>> of clear "psychedelic" art in some of his games, talk about letting
>> naturality take place. Hopefully that means reiterating out that
>> element, as it really is about the same again. And "just for fun", is
>> close to "for the praises of God" is it not.
>> Our nature, is "muslim". Which means "in submission to God".
>> In Daoism, one talks about surrender and alignment.
>> In Buddhism and Daoism, both talk about quietness of the mind.
>> In Islam one talks about peace generally. And defines idolatry as
>> unnatural, polytheism, and association with God, and The Quran states,
>> God created you with the most upright nature.
>> And one superordinate concept, one God, can also be logically defended
>> by Aristotles prime mover, and philosophical principles like The
>> Finetuning Argument. However many do not even know this, and think
>> monotheism is illogical, yet the school of logic, is said to have been
>> established by Aristotle. The same logic ofcourse, really the insight of
>> any true prophet. Programmers often like logic, and should know this.
>> And Atheism do not have that, but often an irrational randomness, that
>> is given power to create, or claimed to be anything but white-noise. A
>> series of random events are white noise, equal probability for any
>> frequency. And Einsten and pseudoreligious scientific pantheism cannot
>> be rationally defended, as with pantheism infinity is irrationally
>> assigned to objects, truth is false, good is bad, god is satan, and many
>> of these defend idolaterous images. Dawkins discussions sometimes seen
>> on youtube, with beasthead idols, outside the building. Similar to the
>> sphinx-idols of Egypt ofcourse. Yet again phallic. And many who makes
>> claims about madness themselves, such as psychiatrists follow Freud
>> whose focus on libido, is just another rephrasing of phallic idolatry,
>> and the facism these uphold is known. Atheism also again irrational
>> idolatry.
>> Removing irrational "randomness" from reality, leaves no coincidences,
>> nothing "just happens", unless God wills. And one gets a necessary
>> creator, that logically must be almighty, and sustainer of the heavens
>> and the earth. One who obviously guides and deludes whomever he wills.
>> And talks about mercy towards the believers.
>> And Darwin makes irrational claims about species. No species that mutate
>> in any such degree, would ofcourse stop to mutate, and all species would
>> have left an enormous amount of mutations that did not make it. And even
>> just two compatible mutations, from another species, is absurd theory.
>> And mutation is not any object of occult power.
>> And ofcourse Stallman claims to have some power of giving freedom to
>> hackers, by his GPL licence, are fradulent.
>> Any of these, whether you view them more or less influental is just
>> doing the same.
>> Free fantasy and conjuring of unreal things. If you are looking for the
>> logical, and really scientific view, that is Artistotle still. And
>> stallman does ofcourse not know what freedom is. And even making an idol
>> of himself. Maybe he was of those who used LSD, it used to be popular,
>> and unfortunately still is too popular. Turning people to stooges.
>> Freedom, and natural behaviour comes with natural religion, that
>> protects human values. (non-sectarian) and godconsciousness. God is
>> almighty and just, Lord of The Heavens And The Earth.
>> And Open-source is now well-understood, a better term, and is good
>> development, and much more graceful, than his slogans.
>> If one is to fix the problem of ill-behaved participants anywhere, the
>> conflicts lies in monotheism vs idolatry (polytheism), as always.
>> This can all be solved. Stallman does not have any occult powers, to
>> allow him only to write licences, and indeed if the licence was kernel
>> code, it would have been patched out, for reasons of obscurity, a long
>> time ago.
>> I actually made a very simple licence for my own DSP-code, which atleast
>> works for me. It takes my understanding of "Open source", and words it
>> as simple as possible.
>> "This program, plugin or function is licenced under
>> The Beneficient Open-Source Licence.
>> That means that its source is released
>> and shall stay available openly,
>> to benefit humankind, in the path of God.
>> And that shall apply to developments,
>> modifications, derivations, and branches.
>> The licence may not be changed, but modifications
>> between program, plugin and function may be done,
>> and used alongside software of other licences.
>> Peace Be With You."
>> That should be well understood in the beneficial arrangements of
>> monotheism.
>> I also wrote it a little bit like this, to hint at library buliding of
>> re-used components.
>> Ultimately it is about information-management, and good communication. I
>> wrote on my blog about decentralized blog/magazine style keyword
>> network, as a maybe usenet inspired modern iteration of many online
>> technologies.
>> --
>> Peace Be With You
>> Ove Karlsen
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