Re: [PATCH v2] vlan: don't deliver frames for unknown vlans toprotocols

From: David Miller
Date: Mon Oct 08 2012 - 15:22:18 EST

From: Florian Zumbiehl <florz@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 21:19:44 +0200

> The only way to reach the new check without another_round and with a
> non-zero tag is the first return false, which happens if there is no device
> for the tag, in which case setting PACKET_OTHERHOST should be the right
> thing to do (in particular, a non-existent vlan device won't have the
> frame's MAC address). I am assuming that rx_handlers don't modify the
> frame unless they return RX_HANDLER_ANOTHER.

Indeed, you're right.

Patch applied and queued up for -stable, thanks.
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