Re: [PATCH] gpio: langwell: Prevent possible NULL pointer dereferencein the demux handler.

From: Krzysztof Wilczynski
Date: Mon May 07 2012 - 16:20:54 EST


>> - Â Â chip->irq_eoi(data);
>> + Â Â if (data)
>> + Â Â Â Â Â Â chip->irq_eoi(data);
> And how does data, which is always set as long as the interrupt exist
> prove that the chip has an eoi function?

It won't, a very good point. And as you told me (IRC) this has to be
solved on a more generic level (core handlers), and possibly
abstracted from the drivers. I will do and read through the code of
core handlers to learn more. Thanks for pointing it out and help so
far :)

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