Best way to send several patches

From: Bjarke Istrup Pedersen
Date: Thu Aug 05 2010 - 17:54:18 EST


I'm reading on the kernelnewbies wiki about janitor work needing be to done.
I have been cleaning up some stuff, and have alot of patches (I have
split my changed into smaller patches).

The question is, should I just send them all to this mailinglist
(Section 3 of Documentation/SubmittingPatches - the one with the patch
bomb - suggest that this is a bad idea), or how should I do it? (I
have only submitted a single patch before, so I didn't have to worry
about that back then).

I have been thinking about sending a pull request, but since I've only
done one patch up until now, I find it unlikely to be trusted enough
to get a pull request through (correct me if I'm wrong).

Best regards,
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