Re: [patch] CFS scheduler, -v6

From: Gene Heskett
Date: Thu Apr 26 2007 - 17:21:43 EST

On Thursday 26 April 2007, Kasper Sandberg wrote:
>On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 10:41 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Compared to mainline? I still think this is a 100% keeper for desktop
>> users like me.
>Here its alot worse, just playing an ogg with ogg123 even without
>anything reniced (X is 0), just pressing a link in konqueror can make
>audio skip (ogg123 fails to fill the alsa buffer, and thus it skips).
>this is something that simply does not happen for me on vanilla,
>staircase or SD.
>it just doesent seem to work properly..

I wish I could throw a clue about what I might be doing different, but every
skip I've heard so far has been an mplayer artifact due to a spastic dls
connection. Every locally sourced audio or avi type file I've tried so far
has worked very smoothly.

Cheers, Gene
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