Design Level Documentation for the Linux kernel (V2.6)

From: Nick Newcomb
Date: Tue Jun 14 2005 - 19:35:58 EST

Hi, I'm working with the Software Revolution and I thought you guys might like to know that we just completed the automatic generation of a full, design-level documentation of the LINUX kernel and associated sub-systems. This documentation set is made up of hyperlinked graphics and text documents of all the major subsystems and all of the source code fields and functions and is organized by complexity and file-system location. It covers the Linux kernel, memory management, file-system, security, cryptography, initialization, drivers, architecture and interprocess communication subsystems. Furthermore, we're offering this for... well free. I just thought it was something maybe you guys could use. If you would like to view this information, just go to:

Any questions or comments anyone might have are more than welcome. Thanks for your time and we hope you'll find our services useful.

~ Nick w/ TSRI

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