RE: gzip zombie / spawned from init

From: Chad Kitching
Date: Tue Jun 14 2005 - 11:09:01 EST

From: Nico Schottelius
>Well, wait waitpid(-1, ...) cannot be used, as there are many other
>children (the system is booting up at the time the gzip process
>becomes a zombie).
try waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)

You will need to implement this in your replacement init because
one of init's jobs is to wait on unparented zombie tasks. In the
sysvinit package, see chld_handler() in init.c which handles the
SIGCHLD signal.

Basically, I believe all you need to do is waitpid() in the SIGCHLD
handler until you get a 0 return code.
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