Re: [PATCH] capabilities not inherited

From: Manfred Georg
Date: Wed Jun 08 2005 - 16:28:03 EST

On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Alexander Nyberg wrote:

ons 2005-06-08 klockan 15:27 -0500 skrev Manfred Georg:
I was working with passing capabilities through an exec and it
didn't do what I expected it to. That is, if I set a bit in
the inherited capabilities, it is not "inherited" after an
exec(). After going through the code many times, and still not
understanding it, I hacked together this patch. It probably
has unforseen side effects and there was probably some
reason it was not done in the first place.

Please read the thread at

Basically it says that because a broken interface was accepted from the
beginning it can't be changed due to the security aspect.

Ok, that's what I figured, however, there seems to be some framework
for configuring different security modules. Why isn't there one
that enables the non-broken interface? feature creep?

The whole thing sucks, sorry.
yep. :(
Especially since the current functionality doesn't make the
system any more secure.

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