Where is a reference for ioctl32() usage?

From: Alan Kilian
Date: Fri Mar 18 2005 - 09:55:24 EST

Thanks for all the help in the past, and I'm once again knocking
at your door for more help.

I am trying to get my PCI bus device driver running on an Xeon
64-bit FC-3 distribution for the first time. It works fine on a
32-bit FC-3 distribution.

I got the compiler warnings all cleaned up, the driver compiles and
loads, but the test executable which was compiled on a 32-bit FC-3
distribution is causing these messages in /var/log/messages:

Mar 17 15:42:55 noble kernel: ioctl32(boardtest:3730):
Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(8004440e){00} arg(ffffd824) on /dev/sse0
Mar 17 15:42:55 noble kernel: ioctl32(boardtest:3730):
Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(8004440e){00} arg(ffffd8c4) on /dev/sse0
Mar 17 15:42:55 noble kernel: ioctl32(boardtest:3730):
Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(40044414){00} arg(00000000) on /dev/sse0
Mar 17 15:42:55 noble kernel: ioctl32(boardtest:3730):
Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(80044403){00} arg(0804f780) on /dev/sse0

It's probably a simple thing to change my ioctl() interface in the
driver, but I googled myself blue in the face, and I didn't find it,
so I come to you, hat-in-hand for help.

Where can I find out how to change my driver so I can have a 32-bit
executable talk to it using ioctl()?

I did change the "type" argument in _IOR and _IOW to uint32_t from
int, but that didn't change things.


- Alan Kilian <kilian(at)bobodyne.com>

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