Re: linux as a minicomputer ?

From: Helge Hafting (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 02:31:36 EST

James Simmons wrote:

> > "Benefits all around?" Such a machine would be slower and more
> > expensive than four single processor boxes, so what's the point?
> Not with the right hardware combinations. The four processors is over
> kill. I have a multi-desktop system that is dual and it is plenty of
> power. With a regular machine just put in two matrox g450 cards and enable
> dual head support. Attach 3 extra USB keyboards and 3 USB mice and you
> are ready to go. With purpore kernel support of course. So the cost is
> no longer a issue.

Almost exactly what I want, except I'll go for one g450 and two
screens only. Administrating one home machine is fun, two
less so. Only one box heathing the room. Only one
box taking up space. Less cabling.

Two persons using a dual is better than two people with two
UP computers, because the power user may use more than one cpu.

Helge Hafting
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